Photon-based Detectors

Photon-based detectors are among the most versatile tools for particle physics experiments. The spectrum of their use stretches from large-volume low-background detectors suitable to register the weak interactions of neutrinos and dark matter particles to compact composite devices offering a multitude of fine-grained information on particles. Despite the differences in application, photon-based detectors share many common features. They rely on transparent target media for signal creation by scintillation or Cherenkov photons. The generated light is read-out by photo sensors, selected for single-photon sensitivity and/or fast signal response (in particular PMTs or SiPMs) depending on the specific requirements of an experiment. The experimental projects within the graduate school reflect the broad range of available detector choices. Their R&D activities are bundled by the Laboratory for Scintillation and Fluorescence Detectors (LSFD) that has been established as a new branch of the PRISMA+ Detector Laboratory. The experiments in this research area range from DUNE in the United States over JUNO in China to MAGIX in Mainz.

Preparation of the DUNE Experiment (Photo:CERN) Preparation of the JUNO Experiment (Photo:JUNO Collaboration)